Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lake Nabugabu

This term in school we went to Lake Nabugabu. We had lots of fun!!!! If any of you readers go to Uganda make sure you go to Nabugabo, you will also get a chance to see the equator. We camped for 2 nights right next to the lake. It was hard to put up our tent but we got on with it. In my tent was Agori and Tara. Anyways so here’s what we did: lake activities, trust games, soil sampling, stitching and building an Anderson shelter. In lake activities we swam and played lots of water games. In trust games we played games that need team work. In soil sampling we checked the ph level of different soils and we caught bugs with a pooter. In stitching we learned to stitch because we are learning about ww2 and in ww2 you have to do a lot of stitching and finally in building an Anderson shelter we simply built an Anderson shelter but trust me it’s not as easy as it sounds.

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