Thursday, October 7, 2010

Our trip to Lake Nabugabo!!!
It was a long journey to Lake Nabugabo. When we finally reached there we were all very happy. We first played for 15min then we put up our tents and put our luggage in it.
We then change to our swim suit and jumped into the lake and had fun.
We then changed our clothes and the boys were playing while the girls were hanging out with Miss Crosbie. And i was spying on them.
At night we first ate dinner then played kick the can. It was a really fun game. After playing kick the can we changed to our nightsuits and had our camp fire. We were telling scary and funny stories but i didn’t. Then we slept.
The next day in the morning we ran and swam in the lake We also played Frisbee in the lake. Then we ate breakfast and did some activities like playing trust games, soil testing, building an Aderson shelter and make do and mend.
At lunch time i ate chicken & chips. After eating we walked into the lake with our clothes for like 15 min. Then we had our Golden Time. I played Connect 4 during G.T. After we continued our activities. Then we swam in the lake and had fun.
At night we had our dinner it was very nice it was spaghetti and chicken. Next we played “Kick the Can”. Then we had our campfire and a Talent Show. Then we slept.
On the last day we had a run and a dip in the lake. For breakfast we had cereals and toast. We then continued our activities then we put our luggage in then to leave. Then we put down our tents. We sat in the bus and set off back to K.I.S.U. we stopped at the Equator and had toast and bananas for our lunch. We continued and finally reached school.

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