Thursday, April 29, 2010

5 Crazy inventions

I am going to tell you the top 5 most crazy inventions. These inventions don’t really exist so I’m going to invent them in my head. (But some of these have been invented)
Invention # 1= Automatic salt pincher- people don’t know how much a pinch of salt is so they use the Automatic salt pincher!
Invention # 2 = Rising Carpet- Your sitting down watching T.V but your feet aren’t comfortable. So you click a button and the carpet rises to the level that your feet are at.
Invention # 3 = Chocolate machines- a machine that puts chocolate into your mouth after you finish typing in what you want.
Invention #4 = Wedge proof underwear- I’m not going to explain this one!
Invention #5= Surf-n-surf= on your surf board you have an attached computer so while your surfing you can surf the web!
By: Clea

Invention Convention Week

In school, this week is Invention Convention Week, so all of our blogs will be related to inventions

I’ve always wished that someone invented ...
1. A teleporting machine that can take you anywhere. For example you want a baguette from France. You say “A baguette shop in France” and then you clap your hands and you are outside a baguette shop in France.
2. A cup that could give you anything. For example you say (in front of the cup) “I want chocolate cake”, then you press a button and chocolate cake comes out.
3. A packet of m&ms that never got over. Never, ever, ever.
4. A tree house with electric gadgets and food machines. The tree house would be the size of 3 KISU buildings,
5. Candy and chocolate that you can keep on eating without getting health problems or getting fat. Instead, the chocolate is even healthy.

By: Isha

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Introducing Isha

My name is Isha and I’m from India and U.S.A. I go to Kampala International School of Uganda. I have been in Uganda for 9 months now but I still miss U.S. a lot since I was born and lived there all my life. I have only about 4 months till I go to Secondary. I have a very annoying 12 year old brother who is in Year 7. In the first term the best things were the Year 5 and 6 production of Grease since I was Miss Lynch (the principal) and Year 6’s outdoor education trip to Lake Nabugabu. In the 2nd Term my favorite thing was making shelters for Design Technology. My friend Isabelle and I made a Rooftop Playground with a Snack Bar. Now I am in Term 3 and I am looking forward to Invention Convention, Big Arts day, and International Day. I also am looking forward to watching my brother’s performance of Seasons of Love on Thursday evening. I’ll tell you all about it when I’ve watched the play.

By: Isha

Nessrien is back!

My name is Nessrien Ahmed I am 9 years old and I was born in Lebanon and I have lived in it for 2years and in Tanzania 9months and in Uganda well the rest of my life I have two brothers and one sister their names are Mohammed, Hassan, and Kefaya and obviously she’s the biggest and my school is Kampala International School Uganda.
By Nessrien Ahmed

Introducing Rhianna!

Hi, my name is Rhianna Mwami and I am 9 years old.
My school is Kampala International School and I am in
Year 5w. I have been in Uganda for my whole life and I have
Not grow up in another country. I have a brother and a sister.
My sister is 1 years old and my brother is 5 years old.
My best holiday with my family is when I went to South Africa.
In school I have friends called Nessrien, Neha, Brenda, Chloe and Agori.
By: Rhianna

All About Me - Arezoo!

My name is Arezoo Kalan. I am a student in Kampala International School of Uganda (KISU). I am from the USA. I was born on August 14th. I am in year 5w my teacher’s name is Miss. Williams and Miss. Josephine. I have stayed in Uganda for my whole life. The subjects I like are topic, maths and SEAL.

All about Shayaan

My name is: Shayaan My hobby is: horse riding I live in: Uganda, Kampala
How old are you?
What year are you in and who is your teacher?
Year5 my teacher is Miss Williams
Where are you from?
What is your favourite subject in school?
Have you got any brothers or sisters? How old are they? Brother 5 ½ and sister 8 months

All about me!!! Neha Kommireddy

My name is Neha Kommireddy.
I made this blog in blog writing club the teacher is called Ms. Crosbie.
This is the second blog I’ve written.
I am from India.
I’ve been in Uganda for 9 years.
I’ve been in KISU for 3 years.
I am 10 years.
I am in year 5W my teachers name is Mrs. Sue Williams but I just call her Mrs. Williams .
I was born on February 18th 2000.
I love tennis, I have won 2 first place trophies.
My best friends live in India their name are Preethi Boinapally and Sirisha Reddy.
My favourite school trip is Kaasi.
The best place I think is best to go to vacation is USA.
If I were Principle for a day I would make it playtime all day and make a pool out of chocolate and drink it.
My favourite type of food is Italian food.
I love watering our garden then getting myself wet.

New blogger!! Brenda!

Hi, my name is Brenda,
This is my first day doing blog writing.
I’ve been at Kampala International School of Uganda for 1 year and a half.
I’m in year 5 and I’m 10 years old, my teachers called Mrs Sue Williams, but I just call her Mrs Williams.
I love horse riding, and my favourite school trip ever was when we went to KASSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My birthday is on February 10th my best friend in the world is called Zara she lives in England.
I have a craving for Chinese food.
My favourite sports are swimming, netball, high jump and pole-vault.

Funny Horse-riding Stories

Story #1: So when we are done setting up our horse we always bring it out of the stables and wait until everything is ready. Once my horse just walked away on to the arena! I should have taken more care.

Story# 2: I was riding the horse and I wanted to do a jump. The jump was small but
next to it there was a bigger jump. So I headed for the small one but my horse jumped the big one next to it and I wasn’t ready so I fell off! It was so scary! I should have steered better, now I know for next time!

Story# 3: We had just come back from a hack and we were still on our horses and my horse saw its food in its stable and walked right in with me on my back. I should have been in better control because I hit my head on the way in!

Story #4: We were on a hack and we started cantering, in front of me there was my sister and she was riding an ex- racehorse so he liked to go extra fast. Usually horses like follow what the horse in front of them is doing, so my horse went at the same speed as the ex-racehorse.... and that is fast! I wasn’t ready to go that fast and I nearly fell off! It was so scary!!