Thursday, April 29, 2010

Invention Convention Week

In school, this week is Invention Convention Week, so all of our blogs will be related to inventions

I’ve always wished that someone invented ...
1. A teleporting machine that can take you anywhere. For example you want a baguette from France. You say “A baguette shop in France” and then you clap your hands and you are outside a baguette shop in France.
2. A cup that could give you anything. For example you say (in front of the cup) “I want chocolate cake”, then you press a button and chocolate cake comes out.
3. A packet of m&ms that never got over. Never, ever, ever.
4. A tree house with electric gadgets and food machines. The tree house would be the size of 3 KISU buildings,
5. Candy and chocolate that you can keep on eating without getting health problems or getting fat. Instead, the chocolate is even healthy.

By: Isha

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