Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ariadne's Tale

There was once a princess of Crete named Ariadne. Ariadne was the daughter of King Minous and his son was killed during the games of Athens. Since Athens did not want war they had to deal with a horrible sacrifice. The sacrifice was every nine years 14 children were sent to Crete to be eaten by the beastly Minotour. The Minotour was half man half bull. Ariadne loved him as a brother on the human side. She would secretly visit him. Once as she was visiting him she thought that the beastly side was getting stronger. As the ninth year came the Minotour became gladder.

Now it was the day that the 14 children came from Athens. First the seven girls came then it was time for the seven boys. As the last boy came she deeply fell in love. ‘Oh no I better stop, I think I am falling in love,’ Ariadne whispered to herself. When it was night Ariadne decided to find a sword and a ball of thread. She did not want to wake up the guards so she crept quietly but in a fast pace. When she reached the place where Theseus was sleeping she woke him up. ‘Sorry to disturb you but in your eyes I could see you wanted to kill the Minotour a...’ Ariadne stated and before she could finish Theseus he asked ‘are you the princess, who are you doing this for?’ ‘You’ replied Ariadne. ‘’But only if you take me with you to Athens. ’’ Theseus nodded and left. Theseus left. Oh thought Ariadne am I dreaming or is this real, I just can’t believe it. Let me get ready. As Ariadne was getting ready she remembered that the Minotour was her brother she ran as fast as she could. ‘STOP!’ she cried.
‘Why?’ asked Theseus puzzled.
‘He’s my brother,’ she begged Theseus. But Theseus cut off the Minotour’s head.
The end

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