Friday, May 7, 2010

Our Topic Homework

We are having a project in geography. We are studying mountains so we had a choice between Mount Elgon and the Ruwenzori. I decided to do Mount Elgon since it sounded much more interesting. We have 5 weeks to finish our project. This is our 2 week for our Topic. I have done about half of my work. Now that I am doing it a bit to fast I keep on editing. The whole point of the project is to learn about mountains and to persuade people to come to the mountain we are working on. I have a different type of laptop so it took some time to print it. I had to print it because my teacher was offering to check our work. She finally managed to check my work on the 06/05/10. She said their were a few mistakes she could not get my updated one because I saved the other work on a flash disk. I am very proud of all the hard work I have done. I am making a poster.
By Niya

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