Thursday, February 18, 2010

A week full of trips

This week on Tuesday we went to Rwenzori and Mandela Stadium. I preferred Rwenzori but some did not. We saw so many things and what gave me a shock is that it does not come from the mountain it comes from a bore hole. We went around the entire factory it is really big. I think it was a great place and the water is really fresh. I drink Rwenzori water.
We played football but our class did not win. I really enjoyed playing football.

By Niya

Literacy weeks

It was Literacy two weeks ago and Friday was costume day. I was Horrid Henry - he wears jeans and a t-shirt. He is a very silly boy. I like him because he is silly. My favourite costume was my own. He is not kind to his brother he disturbs him a lot and also bully s his brother .

By Naman

Film review

I am going to tell you about the movie I watched with my cousins and brother and sister and it is called
New moon
It is about a boy called Eduard and a girl called Bella they like each other and Eduard is a vampire and he can’t stay away from her blood and another boy called Jake and he doesn’t like Eduard and they both like Bella so Eduard left and went to another country but she imagined him as a ghost.

Bella is a main character and she is special because two people like her
Eduard is a main character and is a vampire and he lives with his family but his family is not a main character
Jake is also a main character he is like Eduard but he is a wolf not a vampire
I liked the film so much my favourite part was when Jake fixes bellas motor-cycle and teaches her how to ride it but then she falls of and hurts her head.
My worst part is when Eduard comes back to Bella and in the end it finishes in a interesting part.
By Nessrien

Trip to Rwenzori Factory

On Tuesday 16 February 2010 we went to a trip called Rwenzori factory. We went to learn where water comes from and how to make it. When we reached there we went inside a house and he told us about it. Then he gave us a cool t-shirt saying Rwenzori on it. After we went inside the factory and saw how they make it. Next it was the time to see how they make it. There were these tiny balls which made the bottle. They put it in a machine and we had a bottle made. After there was a machine where they got the water clean from and then it went inside the bottle. Meanwhile the machines put the cover on and twisted it. Next they put the label saying Rwenzori on it and they put the wrapper around the cover. After they put it in a box, they stuck tape on top of the box and they have tasty water ready to drink. Before we went out they gave us lots of souvenirs so we can show it to our parents and friends. When we reached out I was so happy I knew lots about water and it was amazing how they make it. When we reached inside the house they gave us a snack and water. We had to say goodbye to Rwenzori factory and go back to school!!!

By Alima

My Half-Term Break

Well it’s the usual, me, Cléa.
Today I’m going to talk about mid-term.
Here in the English system (our school is in the English system) we have half-term breaks and we are going to Sipi Falls. Sipi Falls is actually quite famous in Uganda, I don’t know why but it’s just known here. I’m going with the director of our school and his wife which is my teacher and his children are our friends. We are also going with another family and their son is in my year. We are leaving tomorrow at the end of the school day. But we are not going for the whole half-term; we are only going for a little bit of it. When we get back I’m probably going to play tennis and go horse riding. (What I’m about to tell you has nothing to do with half-term.) We had auditions for the whole of Kampala for the movie “The Sound of Music” and I auditioned. Believe it or not, I GOT THE PART!! I am going to be Marta and I’m so excited!
That’s all for today!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I promised to tell u about literacy week. It was great and this is the girl I was dressed up as. Monet was a real artist but he has died. Here are some one of his paintings. Monet used to live in France. I don’t think he used to speak French. I speak French and so does Clea. French is hard but really interesting.

By Niya

A visit to a baby home

Ok, so I’m not going to do the whole “It’s me Clea” Thing cause that’s just a waste of time. Today I’m going to talk about my trip to Sanyu Babies Home (an orphanage for babies). Well in another club that I’m doing we took a trip to Sanyu Babies Home. While I was there a played with loads of babies from 6 months to 3 years old. But one baby was my favourite and her name was Christine. Christine was about um... 10 months old I’m guessing. She never cried and always laughed. She was one of the happiest babies I’ve ever seen in my life! Well, anyways I wish I could go back there and see her again. I’ve begged and begged my parents to adopt her, but they said that it takes a lot of thinking for these kinds of things. I don’t care about the thinking I just really want to see her again.
Well, that’s going to be it for today and ill talk next week.

by Cléa

Kaazi - by Alima and Nessrien

I went to a school trip called Kaazi and the first thing I did there was we ate snack and put up the tents. After we did three activities which was sailing, water sports and land activities. They were really fun. It was late so we had a shower and ate dinner. After we had a campfire and told funny stories. Meanwhile we brushed our teeth and then I and my friends went to bed. Before we went to bed we had our night feast and slept at 11:30. The next morning we had a jog then we ate breakfast. Next we started the activities, and first I did water sports then I did land activities then I did sailing. Suddenly the boat almost capsized. Meanwhile we took a shower and got dressed, and we ate dinner. After that we played a game called kick the can and each person had to hide and Mr. P and Mr. C had to find us. I hid in a tiny place and they never found me. So everyone told me to come and kick the can I almost kicked the can but they caught me after he had a campfire and told them about the funniest activity. It was late so we went to have our night feast and eat lots of candies. The next morning we had to start packing then we ate breakfast after we did some activities then it started to rain so we went inside the building and played games. Finally the rain stopped and we got our bags and went in the bus. Eventually we missed Kaazi a lot and then we reached to school!!

More about Literacy Week

This week is Literacy Week and we do different things, like tomorrow we have a costume parade. Our head master, who is called Mr. P, is going to choose the best person who is wearing the best costume and also will have a award winner from each class and a author came to our school. And in my class we have a Spelling bee.

by Naman

Literacy Week

It’s me again (Cléa)! So, today I’m going to talk about what’s happening this week. This week is special because it’s Literacy Week. It’s different because sometimes a teacher comes around with a drum and says, “DROP EVERYTHING AND READ!!!!!” And also we have different events everyday! For example on Wednesday, a girl from I.S.U (another school in Uganda) came and showed us a book that she herself had written and had got published! The name of the book was “How the Crane got its Crown.” Tomorrow we need to dress up as a book character and come to school with the book. Do any of you readers know the book Fancy Nancy? Well I’m going to dress up as Nancy! So that’s it for today and I hope to write soon!

Kaazi Trip

The trip to Kaazi was an exciting trip. First of all our teachers had to check we were all there, one person was missing she was sick, so we were on our way the trip to Munyonyo it took us 30 minutes to reach there. There are two classes . Kaazi is an island so we had to board two boats. Some people were afraid that the boat might tip - it took about 10 minutes to reach. When we reached there it was snack time snack time was 20 minutes long. After we finished snack time
It was time to put up the tents Mr C showed us how to put up the tent he showed us with one of the biggest tents it took half an hour to put them up one group had to move their tent because it was on top of an ant hill so they had to start all over again. When we finished we had to get our swimming suit on because we were going sailing and water activities the other group did baking they made brownies at Kaazi.

By Charise

More about us ...

Hello my name is Alima. I’m from Canada. My birthday is on April 22. My favorite colour is purple and I have lots of friends. Everyone loves my snack. The school that I go to is Kampala International School of Uganda. I am 9 years old. My favorite part of the school is when we go to different trips and discover what’s there. My favorite trip was when we went to Kaazi and Mabira forest I like them because it’s really fun and surprising. I also like the activities like fun day because there are lots of amazing games to play. My best sport is football and basket ball. My favorite food is MacDonald’s and my favorite drink is slash puppy. My favorite animal is puppy and a parrot.

Welcome to our blog!

Hi - we're all studying at an international school in Uganda. Read all about our day to day lives. To kick off - here's a quick introduction to all of our members.

I’m Cléa and I attend Kampala International School of Uganda. I’ve only been here for six months and I love Uganda already. I have just come here from Trinidad and Tobago. This is my second term here at K.I.S.U. The highlights of my last term are Grease and Kaazi. My favorite part of Grease was when we got to do a special dance to Beauty School Dropout. I also loved our Outdoor Education trip to Kaazi, I love Kaazi because… Oh I loved all of it! I hope that this term will be just as good or even better! Here in the blog writing club I hope to accomplish a lot. Since I just came, there are other new girls, one of those new girls happens to be one of my best friends EVER and she has to leave in March. Today is my birthday and next week I will tell you all about it.

This is a school called Kampala International School Uganda. It is really enjoyable and the best part is that there are people from all over the world. There are so many types of trips to go with our class and teachers which are surprisingly amazing. If you come to this school you will be educated and learn lots of subjects. We have a huge swimming pool and a gigantic field. We also have a fantastic classroom and a wonderful smart board. We also have a cafeteria with lunch and dessert and each classroom sits on different tables. The classes are ks1, ks2 and secondary. Hello my name is Alima and I am in year 5 and I am from Canada. also the best trip I went to is kaazi and we told appealing stories. hello my name is Nessrien, I am from Lebanon and my favourite trip was mabira forest and my best part is when my friend woke me up in the middle of the night just to go to the bathroom .

My name is Niya and I am from America. I really enjoy my school what’s so special about our school is we come from all around the world. I am in year 5 and my teacher is Miss L. We have many different subjects. I enjoy many of the subjects that we have. I have got so many friends and every Friday we have an assembly, where one class performs each week.

This is Kampala international school of Uganda. What's so special about our school is that we come from counties all around the world .We would like to share with you what our days have been at KISU. My name is Charise .I am from Trinidad which you probably can’t see on the map. I am in year 5L. I love lots of subjects here at KISU and loved the trip to Kaazi. There are three blocks in our school which are known as KS1, KS2 and KS3.The whole of year 6 and year 5 just did a Christmas play called Grease .It is a bit older than our age. The year six teacher changed it so it was our age It had token about 2 hours.

Hello, my name is NAMAN and I study at Kampala International School. It is a nice school; it is very huge and full of people from all over the world. It is fun to be in this school because it has very big field and a swimming pool. The classes are big and it has a ICT has a assembly hall. Before I joined this school I was frightened that how will this new school be but then slowly I got friends.