Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ariadne's Tale

There was once a princess of Crete named Ariadne. Ariadne was the daughter of King Minous and his son was killed during the games of Athens. Since Athens did not want war they had to deal with a horrible sacrifice. The sacrifice was every nine years 14 children were sent to Crete to be eaten by the beastly Minotour. The Minotour was half man half bull. Ariadne loved him as a brother on the human side. She would secretly visit him. Once as she was visiting him she thought that the beastly side was getting stronger. As the ninth year came the Minotour became gladder.

Now it was the day that the 14 children came from Athens. First the seven girls came then it was time for the seven boys. As the last boy came she deeply fell in love. ‘Oh no I better stop, I think I am falling in love,’ Ariadne whispered to herself. When it was night Ariadne decided to find a sword and a ball of thread. She did not want to wake up the guards so she crept quietly but in a fast pace. When she reached the place where Theseus was sleeping she woke him up. ‘Sorry to disturb you but in your eyes I could see you wanted to kill the Minotour a...’ Ariadne stated and before she could finish Theseus he asked ‘are you the princess, who are you doing this for?’ ‘You’ replied Ariadne. ‘’But only if you take me with you to Athens. ’’ Theseus nodded and left. Theseus left. Oh thought Ariadne am I dreaming or is this real, I just can’t believe it. Let me get ready. As Ariadne was getting ready she remembered that the Minotour was her brother she ran as fast as she could. ‘STOP!’ she cried.
‘Why?’ asked Theseus puzzled.
‘He’s my brother,’ she begged Theseus. But Theseus cut off the Minotour’s head.
The end

Princess |Amelia PArt 3

So Amelia was ever so happy with her life. The butterflies dancing, the birds singing, and her pony’s mane blowing with the wind.
But one day something terrible happened. Something that you would never think of… beyond thought and too big for the mind.
Hakanku was gone!
She was so happy doing all her duties that morning and then she went to her stable and he wasn’t there. She panicked all day. “Maybe he would come back” she thought to herself. But he didn’t. She waited for weeks and weeks. He never came back. She was in complete misery. Hakanku was her life and he was lost so her life was lost too. Now she had to look for her life until she found it. She ran and ran for miles and miles until her legs were worn down to stumps. “Oh no! Now I’m in the middle of the desert! Lost!” She shouted. “This is just great!” She lay down in the grass and cried herself to sleep. The next morning she tried to head home. Once she got there she ate a few berries and then bathed and then prepared herself. She took a bag made out of straw from her closet and filled it with glass bottles with water. Then she prepared a big soup with some berries to eat. She packed it all in the bag, tied up her hair, grabbed her hat, and headed on her adventure to look for Hakanku.


Flying above the world

Soaring over the hills

Wonders all around me

Amazing things coming to my eyes

The smell of chocolate filling my nose

In the night gleaming stars twinkling

And this fantastic life is mine

By: Isha Jain


Day 1
Dear Diary,
In the morning I woke up. Mother told me I have to go to school. I hate school more than anything. But after fighting I had to go to school. When I came back I went to in the park with my best friends. When I reached the park I first went on the swing sand went very high and played for a very long with my friends. Until a big black cloud came over us I had a terrible feeling. I saw jets dropping bombs on houses and big tanks coming down the road and loads of soldiers. I ran home but just before I reached home I saw my friend the postman dead with blood stained letters.
by Arezoo


Day 1
Dear Diary,
In the morning I woke up. Mother told me I have to go to school. I hate school more than anything. But after fighting I had to go to school. When I came back I went to in the park with my best friends. When I reached the park I first went on the swing sand went very high and played for a very long with my friends. Until a big black cloud came over us I had a terrible feeling. I saw jets dropping bombs on houses and big tanks coming down the road and loads of soldiers. I ran home but just before I reached home I saw my friend the postman dead with blood stained letters.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Top Milkshakes

I love any milkshakes especially chocolate ones.

Oreo McFlurry
I really like this because it so nice and
it is made out of oreo, ice cream and

I love krushers because it delicious.
One of them is made out of crushed
ice, cream, chocolate and ice c

Dear Olly

Orphanage setting.
When Matt ran away, he left mum and olly letters. When matt reached Africa he saw this big orphanage and he saw orphans playing with man made ball. Their court yard was huge with children, like about 200 of them. When I entered the orphanage there was a nanny. Her name was Sister Christina. She told me that ‘have you come here to work’. “Of course” I said “well let me show you around”
By: Rhianna Mwami

My Wierd LIfe 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I said my life was so crazy now I was popular I hadn’t been embarrassed for the whole day, and even the bullies were nice to me. That’s when suddenly my life went back to bad my bike broke everyone started talking about me again it’s like this was all a prank on me then went back to good again my life was so weird right now. …………………………………………..

Princess Amelia PArt 2

So Amelia got married and happily Ever After. WRONG! It turns out that the man that she married was a robber so he stole everything in the palace and all of the family’s money. So now Amelia lives in a little hut all by herself. But that doesn’t mean that she didn’t make it pretty. She lived in the middle of grassy plains with a trickling creek next to her hut. And there were birds tweeting, flowers dancing, everything was so tranquil; even though she was poor. Every morning she went to the creek to get water and then she had a nice soup from the wild vegetables. She was so happy but she was lonely (and you have to agree that that is the worst thing). Although she had the birds and the monkeys she always found herself sitting under the branches of the big palm alone. So Amelia went into her hut and painted it red with paint made out of wild berries because she thought that would make her more joyful, but it didn’t work.
She found a wild horse and tamed it. That made her much happier. Every morning (after getting water) she tied up her long blond hair and headed to the stable which she made out of papyrus. There he was, the beautiful hazelnut colored pony named Hakanku. Amelia made a saddle and a bridle out of straw for him. First she washed him. Then he dried and she brushed and dusted him. Then she fed him and gave him water. And now the fun part. She talked to him. Amelia always talked to Hakanku for about two hours before she tacked him up. Once she was done taking she got on and rode him past the horizon and beyond what the eye can see. When she got back she washed him again and let him free knowing that he would always come back…

My Wierd LIfe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today morning I woke up and I knew my life would be horrible just as any other day for, example yesterday I fell in the mud on my way to school and everybody was staring at me and sooner or later people started whispering about me and laughing at me. And the day before I took my brothers spider man lunch box by mistake and everyone kept on teasing me.
But my life wasn’t I was in a good mood and when I got to school everybody wanted to be near me, but the weirdest thing is I got a brand new bike with my name Amy and it was sky blue.

letter writing

Cartoon bread
Umbrella shoes
Microphone sponge
Tape measure light
Insect lamp
Bible keeper
Flower light
Memory keeper
Thumb wrestling
Teabag pigeon
Cartoon houses

letter writing

Miss King
Maple Street,
Monday 11th June 2005
Dear, Miss king
I wanted to tell you that I am on a trip in America for my
Medical trip and that means that I won’t be at school for 5 weeks.
Please tell Mr.Henry this and tell everyone in school.
Tell all my friends and the administration.
I have to go now.
Yours, sincerely
Rhianna Mwami

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My horrible Aunty

My horrible aunty
I lived in a wonderful village. I had an auntie and she was a very mean one. Nobody in the whole village liked her not even her relatives. Each day she would send me to the well to collect water. I did not see the point in giving her water if she was terribly mean. So I said “get it yourself,’’. She got really mad and she was ready to cane me. I ran as fast as I could out of the house. Then I made up my mind to hide in the bushes. I stayed there for the night, at about 10:00 I went to get some food. Then I went back to where I made up a plan about cooking something to make her sleep for an hour or two. In the morning I went back home and said sorry (though I did not mean it). She took me seriously but she caned me it hurt so much. I asked my aunt if she was hungry she said really fiercely yes. I was glad my plan was working. I baked her favorite cake. I pretended to go buy eggs but I brought the drugs. I put food colouring so they looked like raisins. My auntie loved raisins so she gobbled them up first. She fell fast asleep. The whole village had a meeting. We decided to take her to town. That was the end of all the horrible things in the village.
by Niya

ISU Choir Festival

On Thursday the Choir Festival was awesome! There were only two things that were good but those two things were GREAT! First, I’ll start with the first thing. My first thing was the bus ride to ISU. We went to ISU in a luxurious bus. First of all it had chandeliers. Not the ones that hang. Secondly, the seats were like economy class airplane seats and they had cup holders. The part the year 6s sat on was like a conference room.
My second thing was our lunch break at ISU. For lunch I had a sandwich and 6 muffins and cupcakes. After that we ran around the area and then we had the most fun ever! There was this steep hill at ISU that went down into a ditch and back up. All of us (my friends, Mateo, Beni, Isabelle, Luisa, Bastian, Nathan, and I) tried running down the hill and jumping over the ditch. It was so much fun. That was all the fun things at the ISU Choir Festival.

By: Isha

My Top 5 Inventions

Chocolate because it makes my mouth water
Ice cream it is the best with whipped cream
Tennis that’s right 2 first place trophies
Blue it is my favorite colour
Croissant great with butter on the top

Friday, May 7, 2010

Dumb Inventions by Nessrien

I’m am looking at dumb inventions and writing them down and these are some of them
1: curved barrel machine gun- it’s cool but dumb
2: anti- bandit bag- it’s a nice bag
3: Hubbard electrometer
4: Finnish portable
5: baby cage – who would put a baby in a cage? That’s cruel and stupid!
6: laryngaphone
7: motorized surfboard-cool ill go to school with it
8: rocket belt
9: honegar – this is a mixture of honey and vinegar
10: illuminated tires –this is so cool their tyres which are illuminated
11: shower hood- who would have a bath in a kaveras
12: hand writing game
13: fast draw robot
14: yodel meter
15: mini television- sweet but no one can see
16: Venetian blind sunglasses
17: bird man suit- not true and really dumb
18: phone answering robot- cool but I can do it my self

21st Century Fairy Tale by Clea

Once upon a time there was a girl and she was a princess. She lived in a beautiful palace that was gold and white. Her room was all pink with a chandelier and a beautiful king sized bed. This girl’s name was Amelia and Amelia was 15 and loved to get dirty and play, and horse ride with one leg on each side (in the kingdom you had to ride side- saddled if you were a girl) and most of all she loved to play football. But when you are a princess you can’t do any of these things. All she was allowed to do was wear pretty dresses and curtsy to everyone she sees. Amelia had to act happy and joyful but for real she was a miserable little girl. One day her parents told her that she was to get married when she was sixteen and that they were to choose who she was going to marry. Amelia didn’t want to get married!! And especially to someone that she didn’t love!! And most of all she didn’t want to have a ball and wear a poufy dress. Her mother had told her that on her birthday she was to have a big ball and dance with 37 men!!! 37!!! Her birthday was in three days so her father quickly phoned up every princess at age 16 in the world and 37 eligible men and on top of it all of the royal people in Europe!! Three days went by so quickly and on the morning of her birth day she woke up and it was a beautiful day. All day she spent her time getting her hair done and make-up on and putting on her dress and pinning her dress up. It was all too girly and all she wanted to do was go and play foot ball. The ball started and she made her entrance. She got about 100 happy birthdays and she danced with all the men. At last she sat down and had some cake. Her parents said that she was to marry Prince Phillip. It turns out that she actually loved Prince Phillip so she was happy. 3 weeks later they got married and at the wedding she wore a beautiful dress and she play football in the dress!! She was so happy and so was everyone else!!

Our Topic Homework

We are having a project in geography. We are studying mountains so we had a choice between Mount Elgon and the Ruwenzori. I decided to do Mount Elgon since it sounded much more interesting. We have 5 weeks to finish our project. This is our 2 week for our Topic. I have done about half of my work. Now that I am doing it a bit to fast I keep on editing. The whole point of the project is to learn about mountains and to persuade people to come to the mountain we are working on. I have a different type of laptop so it took some time to print it. I had to print it because my teacher was offering to check our work. She finally managed to check my work on the 06/05/10. She said their were a few mistakes she could not get my updated one because I saved the other work on a flash disk. I am very proud of all the hard work I have done. I am making a poster.
By Niya

Inventions by Niya

The first person to name a lollipop was named by George Smith. He named it after his favourite horse Lolly Pop. He trademarked it in 1931 and since then it was known worldwide.
Samuel Born was the first person to invent a lollipop machine. In 1916 Francisco was the born sucking country.
Dumbest inventions:
1. Portable sauna
2. Baby cage
3. Motorized surfboard
4. Rocket belt
5. Illuminated tires
6. Shower hood
7. Fast draw robot
8. Mini television
9. Bird man suit

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Crazy Inventions

Crazy Invention................
1. Umbrella tube-In a Heavy rain no problem with this umbrella
I like this because it is a
nice and it save you
from rain.

2. Chopsticks fan- Chopsticks with a fan
I like this because it
is funny and it makes
your food cold.

3. Subway chin rest- If you can’t find place to sit, here is solution
I like this because it
lets you go to sleep